Error Solver (error_solver.solvers)


The following classes are available for performing propagation error analysis.

ErrorSolver(equations[, names, combos, tol]) A class for solving systems of equations for their propagation errors based on their equation strings.
ErrorSolverPy(equations, partials[, combos, tol]) A class for solving systems of equations for their propagation errors using Python functions.
SolverPipeline(solvers, links[, combos]) A class for performing propagation error analysis for multiple ErrorSolver or ErrorSolverPy solvers in series.


The solvers require that all of the values for a solution be known so that the partial derivatives of the equations can be evaluated. To assist in acquiring these values from a program, the collect() and fcollect() decorators may be used to wrap class methods and functions, respectively, to collect their results as they are calculated. Collection for these functions is performed only while the Collector context manager is active.

Collector A context manager for initiating value collection.
collect(func) A decorator that collects values returned by class methods if the Collector context manager is active.
fcollect(func) A decorator that collects values returned by functions if the Collector context manager is active.