Source code for error_solver.solvers.error_solver

Copyright (c) 2019, Matt Pewsey

import sympy
from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr
import datetime
import numpy as np
from ._base_error_solver import _BaseErrorSolver

__all__ = ['ErrorSolver']

[docs]class ErrorSolver(_BaseErrorSolver): """ A class for solving systems of equations for their propagation errors based on their equation strings. Parameters ---------- equations : list A list of equation strings or string convertible objects. names : dict A dictionary of variable name replacements. combos : dict A dictionary of equation combinations. tol : float The tolerance used for verifying that values satisfy equations. Examples -------- .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/ """ def __init__(self, equations, names={}, combos={}, tol=0.01): self.names = names self.combos = combos self.tol = tol self.set_equations(equations) def __repr__(self): s = ( ('equations', self._equations), ('combos', self.combos), ('tol', self.tol), ) s = ', '.join('{}: {!r}'.format(x, y) for x, y in s) return '{}({})'.format(type(self).__name__, s)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, path, **kwargs): """ Creates a new object from a specified Error Solver file. Parameters ---------- path : str The file path. kwargs Additional arguments accepted by the default initializer. """ data = cls._read_file(path) return cls( equations=data.get('equations', []), names=data.get('names', {}), combos=data.get('combos', {}), **kwargs )
@staticmethod def _read_file(path): """ Reads the specified Error Solver file to a dictionary. Parameters ---------- path : str The file path. """ data = {} section = None with open(path, 'rt') as fh: for line in fh: line = line.split('#')[0].rstrip('\n').strip() if line == '': continue if line.startswith('[') and line.endswith(']'): section = line.lstrip('[').rstrip(']') if section == 'equations': data[section] = [] elif section in ('names', 'combos'): data[section] = {} else: raise ValueError('Invalid section header: {}'.format(section)) continue if section == 'equations': data[section].append(line) elif section == 'names': s = [x.strip() for x in line.split(':')] data[section][s[0]] = s[1] elif section == 'combos': s = [x.strip() for x in line.split(':')] v = [int(x.strip()) for x in s[1].split(' ')] data[section][s[0]] = v return data def _set_equal_to_zero(self, equation): """ Sets the input equation string equal to zero if it isn't already. Parameters ---------- equation : str The input equation string. """ if not isinstance(equation, str): equation = str(equation) s = equation.split('=') n = len(s) if n == 1: return equation elif n == 2: return '({})-({})'.format(s[0], s[1]) else: raise ValueError('Equation has too many equal signs: {}'.format(equation)) def _parse_equation(self, equation): """ Parses the input equation string to a `sympy` expression. Parameters ---------- equation : str The input equation string. """ eq = self._set_equal_to_zero(equation) try: eq = parse_expr(eq) except: raise ValueError('Failed to parse equation: {}'.format(equation)) return eq
[docs] def set_equations(self, equations): """ Parses the input equations to `sympy` expressions and sets them to the object. Parameters ---------- equations : list A list of equation strings. """ eqs = [] for eq in equations: eq = self._parse_equation(eq) eq = eq.subs(self.names) eqs.append(eq) self._equations = eqs self.set_partials()
[docs] def set_partials(self): """ Calculates the partial derivatives for the equations assigned to the object. """ partials = [] for eq in self._equations: p = {k: sympy.diff(eq, k) for k in map(str, eq.free_symbols)} partials.append(p) self._partials = partials
[docs] def python_str(self): """ Returns a Python module string for the equations and partial derivatives assigned to the object. """ def create_header(): s = '"""\nCreated by Error Solver on {}\n\n{}\n"""\n\nfrom math import *\n\n' d ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') n = len(str(len(self._equations))) f = '{{:>{}}}: {{}}'.format(n) e = '\n'.join(f.format(i, x) for i, x in enumerate(self._equations)) return s.format(d, e) def create_functions(): e = '# Equation {}\ndef eq{}({}, **kwargs):\n\treturn {}\n\n' p = 'def eq{}_{}({}, **kwargs):\n\treturn {}\n\n' s = [] for i, x in enumerate(self._equations): args = ', '.join(map(str, x.free_symbols)) s.append(e.format(i, i, args, x)) for k, y in self._partials[i].items(): s.append(p.format(i, k, args, y)) return '\n'.join(s) def create_equations(): s = '# Assembled functions\nEQUATIONS = [\n{}\n]\n\n' e = ',\n'.join('\teq{}'.format(i) for i in range(len(self._equations))) return s.format(e) def create_partials(): s = 'PARTIALS = [\n{}\n]\n\n' f = '{!r}: eq{}_{}' p = [] for i, x in enumerate(self._partials): e = ', '.join(f.format(y, i, y) for y in x.keys()) e = '\t{{{}}}'.format(e) p.append(e) p = ',\n'.join(p) return s.format(p) def create_combos(): s = 'COMBOS = {{\n{}\n}}\n' p = [] for k, x in self.combos.items(): e = ', '.join('{!r}'.format(y) for y in x) e = '\t{!r}: [{}]'.format(k, e) p.append(e) p = ',\n'.join(p) return s.format(p) func = [ create_header, create_functions, create_equations, create_partials, create_combos, ] result = '\n'.join(x() for x in func) result = result.replace('\t', ' ' * 4) return result
[docs] def write_python(self, path): """ Writes a Python module with the equations and partial derivatives assigned to the object. Parameters ---------- path : str The path where the module will be written. """ s = self.python_str() with open(path, 'wt') as fh: fh.truncate() fh.write(s)
[docs] def jacobian(self, values, errors, combo=None): """ Returns the Jacobian matrix for the system of equations. Parameters ---------- values : dict A dictionary mapping variable names to values. errors : dict A dictionary mapping variable names to errors. combo : str The name of the equation combination to be applied. """ partials = self.get_partials(combo) val, err = self.used_vars(values, errors, combo) var = {x: i for i, x in enumerate(val + err)} n, m = len(partials), len(var) jac = np.zeros((n, m), dtype='float') for i, p in enumerate(partials): for k, v in p.items(): j = var[k] jac[i, j] = v.subs(values).evalf() return jac
[docs] def equation_vars(self, combo=None): """ Returns a set of all variables in the equations. Parameters ---------- combo : str The name of the equation combination to be applied. """ var = set() for p in self.get_partials(combo): var |= p.keys() return var
def _check_values(self, values, combo): """ Checks that the input values satisfy all equations within the specified tolerances. Parameters ---------- values : dict A dictionary mapping variable names to values. combo : str The name of the equation combination to be applied. """ for i, eq in enumerate(self.get_equations(combo)): v = eq.subs(values).evalf() if v.free_symbols: raise ValueError('Values {} missing for equation {}: {}.' .format(v.free_symbols, i, eq)) v = float(v) if abs(v) > self.tol: raise ValueError('Equation {}: {} value check tolerance ' 'exceeded:: |{}| > {}.'.format(i, eq, v, self.tol)) def _check_restricted_symbols(self, values, errors): """ Checks that the input variables do not include any restricted symbols. Parameters ---------- values : dict A dictionary mapping variable names to values. errors : dict A dictionary mapping variable names to errors. """ restr = (sympy.NumberSymbol, sympy.I, sympy.zoo) # Input restricted symbols inpt = set() var = set(values) | set(errors) for v in var: e = parse_expr(v) inpt |= e.atoms(*restr) if inpt: inpt = sorted(map(str, inpt)) raise ValueError('Symbols {} in input are restricted and cannot ' 'be used.'.format(inpt))
[docs] def check(self, values, errors, combo=None): """ Checks that the input parameters are correct to carry out a solution. Parameters ---------- values : dict A dictionary mapping variable names to values. errors : dict A dictionary mapping variable names to errors. combo : str The name of the equation combination to be applied. """ self._check_restricted_symbols(values, errors) self._check_values(values, combo) self._check_determinancy(values, errors, combo)